All APIs mentioned below are in the global scope.

If you need to use React, it's included in the global scope - You can just use the React variable anywhere.

NOTE: The Gimhook SDK currently isn't able to replace React imports in mods with a wrapper for the global variable. Please don't import it.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: string (name) Output type: string[]

gimhook.getHooks is used to get all of the hook callbacks, given a hook name.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: string (name), Function (callback) Output type: N/A

gimhook.addHook is used to add a callback function to a hook, which is called whenever the hook is triggered.

See the documentation page on hooks for more information.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: Function (callback) Output type: N/A

gimhook.onJoin(handler) is a synonym for gimhook.addHook("join", handler).


Module: game Type: boolean Input type: N/A Output type: N/A

gimhook.game.isGameActive is used to determine when a game is currently active.


Module: game Type: boolean Input type: N/A Output type: N/A

gimhook.game.is2DGamemode is used to determine if the active gamemode (if any) is a 2D gamemode.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: N/A Output type: Player (I don't know the TypeScript type for it)

gimhook.graphics.player.getPlayer is used to get the currently active player.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: N/A Output type: Position (I don't know the TypeScript type for it)

gimhook.graphics.player.getPosition is used to get the position of the currently active player.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: number (x), number (y) Output type: N/A

gimhook.graphics.player.setPosition is used to set the position of the currently active player.

NOTE: No, you can't use this to teleport around the map and cheat. It is useless unless you're in the creative map editor.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: N/A Output type: Camera (I don't know the TypeScript type for it)

gimhook.graphics.camera.getCamera is used to get the currently active camera.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: N/A Output type: number

gimhook.graphics.camera.getZoom is used to get the zoom value of the currently active camera.


Module: core Type: Function Input type: number (zoom) Output type: N/A

gimhook.graphics.camera.setZoom is used to set the zoom value of the currently active camera.

Last updated